Friday, August 8, 2008

God wants this mess cleaned up!

I'm no fan of Joel Osteen. The whole "God wants me to be rich" thing is just plain wrong, and as far as I'm concerned, this guy qualifies as a preacher of another gospel. So when I first read about his wife's little run-in with a flight attendant, I was somewhat amused. Apparently, she had a little hissy fit when the attendant didn't clean up her beverage spill quickly enough.

It's easy to see how someone under the impression that the Creator of the universe owes them earthly wealth could come to the conclusion that mere mortals owe them their undivided attention. But as much as I dislike what the Osteens represent, I really can't spare too much sympathy for the money-grubbing flight attendant who thinks she's entitled to 10% of Victoria Osteen's net worth, just because she had to put up with a tantrum. This woman claims to have experienced depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (uh-huh, the same thing that soldiers go through after, you know, almost dying) as well as a "loss of her faith" after witnessing Mrs. Osteen's unbridled fury.

Of course, the Osteen's could have their lawyer argue that anyone who claims to have "lost their faith" as a result of something Mrs. Osteen did never actually had any faith in anything other than Mrs. Osteen. They could also point out that true saving faith cannot, in fact, be "lost" - but then that would require some knowledge of theology...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arrgghh........unbelievable.......well, actually, it isn't, unfortunately. Man, oh man...