Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama and "Evangelicals"

Our favorite presidential candidate has formed a new organization to help himself appeal to "young evangelicals." The Joshua Generation will apparently focus on attracting people, well, like me...

well, he can try...

But there is a group of "evangelicals" who are backing the Obama in droves. The Emergent Church movement seems to love him. I've been doing a bit of research on this new movement, and I have to admit that it doesn't surprise me one bit that the Emergents are backing Barack. The Emergent movement seems to be just a re-packaging of early 20th century theological liberalism. This group is seeking to change Christianity and how it relates to the surrounding culture. We're too old-fashioned, and need to adapt to a "post-modern" society, dontcha-know. The bottom line is that it ends up watering down the one and only Truth of Scripture by placing it in a man-made box. And, once again, we end up with the Social Gospel:

Jesus came to show us all how to live, not "save us." I mean, like, save us from what? We're all, like, basically good, right? People don't want to hear all this stuff about needing a Saviour...we need to, like, totally relate to people on their level...find out how to meet their needs and make them feel good inside...and stuff.

Forget about doctrine, or defining what we believe in any way. That's all up to the individual, right? We're all enlightened by now, anyway. Evolution has taken it's course, and we don't need to believe those silly fairy-tales in the bible to get to heaven, or wherever...

It's no wonder so many of these folks can get past Obama's support for an abomination like abortion on demand, or his blasphemous "spiritual advisors" - not to mention his complete lack of anything like experience or qualification for the job. It's all about soaring rhetoric and hope/change you can believe in, after all. Tony Jones, one of the leading voices of the Emerging movement seems to be very proud of the fact that he's a "fiercely independent" voter. It sounds like the only thing his vote is independent of, is a Biblical worldview.

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